Wren Robbins Coaching

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Tuesday Podcast Tip: How do I know which format to choose?

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Three types of format are GREAT to use for YOUR podcast! Or even a combo of all three!!!

  1. Interview-style: You and a guest talking together. You as the host are asking specific questions for your guest to answer while you are recording.

  2. Q and A: Your listeners write in questions to ask you about your subject matter. OR use your voice recording app for them to record them asking you the question themselves.

  3. Monologue: You are speaking by yourself about a product that you sell, a behind the scenes look in your company, or sharing a tip for your listeners. *HOT TIP: If you choose to do a monologue, make sure you are only recording yourself for no more than 10-12 minutes. It’s hard to keep the attention of your listeners with just one person speaking.

What if you are unsure of WHICH format style is best for you? Check out my 12 minute video on how to find out below!

Check it out here on Instagram!

Need more specific help? Grab my FREE Podcast Workbook here!