Wren Robbins Coaching

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When You NEED Music on Your Podcast: Podcast Audit #4 with Wren Robbins

This is it! Number four. The last of the podcast audits we’ve been doing this month. I hope you’ve enjoyed them as much as I have, and found value in them for yourself. In today’s episode, you’ll meet my friend Michele Bowman, mom of five and grandma of 10. Living full-time in an RV, she is sometimes challenged by finding the space and time to record. But, deciding that “done is better than perfect,” she moves on!  In her podcast, she “exposes the lies that women of God may have believed that don’t line up with what God says.” Boom!

Welcome to Michele and her podcast, “Woman, Where Is Your Confidence?” 

(Our interview has been edited for space and clarity.)

WR - To start, Michele, I just want to say that your podcast title is strong and catchy, yet clear. People know exactly what to expect before they even listen to a word. And your content is spot-on. Really consistent and clear, pointing people to God’s Word in your interviews and in your own monologues. Now, you mentioned that you live in an RV, so tell us: what does your recording setup look like?

MB - When I’m recording solo, I usually speak into my phone using the mic that’s on my earphones. When I’m interviewing someone, I set up my laptop on the table in our kitchen/eating area and use that to record on. And  I’m going to be testing my mic with the new laptop that my husband got me, so…

WR - That’s great that you keep testing things, tho! Your sound is really good! Now, I know you’ve been using music in the background when you have a guest…

MB - Yes, that’s because I’m nervous that there’ll be noise from around here that bleeds through.

WR - Well, I’m going to ask you to test something here. Try not to use music, because there are times that it can be a little distracting. You’re transparent about the fact that you record from your RV, so go ahead and be confident in your content, too! Being in an RV park is part of your story. Maybe include something in your intro about it, and that would be something that makes you unique. Try it and let me know how it goes!

Pro-tip: If you don’t have a studio set-up and you’re worried about background noise, try recording in your car. The acoustics are marvelous there!

Three times when you need music in your podcast

1 - In your intro. It sets the mood and is really part of your branding. Fade it out when you start speaking.

2 - In your outro. With your call to action, again, a great way to brand yourself to your listeners.

3 - Sometimes in the middle when you’re doing an ad. You can break things up by inserting it before, during, and/or after that section.

An important thing to remember when you have quests…

…and something you’re really good at, Michele. Is to make sure you ask your guests where people can find them! Not only include the question in the interview but then make sure you include the details in your show notes.

So, try removing that music in the background and see what you think!

And a final word from Michele: If you’re waiting for your life to get perfect before you start your podcast…don’t! And don’t do it in your own confidence, being nervous and comparing it to what others are doing. Listen to Wren’s tips - I’ve learned so much from her! I started when my husband was out of work and things were not perfect. You don’t have to wait until everything is perfect. 

Thank you for joining me today - did you find this episode interesting? I’d love to hear what resonated with you. Head on over to Instagram @wrenrobbinscoach and tell me. Can’t wait to meet you!

Listen to the entire episode here.

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Want to contact Michele?

Listen to, rate, and review her podcast, “Woman, Where is Your Confidence?” here!

Or on Instagram: @michele_bowman07

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Because “life’s too short to wing it!”