Wren Robbins Coaching

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How to Succeed as a Podcaster! (and not Fail!)

In today’s episode, I’m giving you some tough love, friends. But I know you’re gonna thank me for it in the future! So here it is, straight atcha: 

Seven ways you can fail as a podcaster:

  1. Bad audio - unclear, fuzzy, or just plain bad audio. People won’t keep tuning in if they have to struggle to listen.

  2. Talking about yourself all the time - Sharing a story that relates to the content is a good thing. HOWEVER, people get tired hearing you talk about yourself all the time, so edit yourself if necessary..

  3. You don’t offer value - We have to give people a reason to listen. Even if they’re folding laundry while listening to you, remember, there are other podcasts they could be listening to.

  4. You are constantly selling - If you sell, sell, sell…people are gonna turn you off, off, off.

  5. Making your episodes too long - The average length of time a podcast listener will listen is about 40 minutes. It’s your responsibility to trim your content down to the value-packed essentials. Be as long as it takes to give value…and no longer!

  6. If you don’t poll your listeners - This is a constant exercise. Ask your listeners. Ask your email subscribers. Ask on social media. Ask your family and friends!

  7. You don’t edit your coughs or sneezes out! - If you don’t have time to edit, you don’t have time to podcast. If you don’t have money to pay someone to edit, you don’t need to be podcasting right now. (Ouch! There, I did go there…) And it’s even worse if it’s a solo project - ‘cause it’s SO easy to edit, even while you’re recording! (I dunno, maybe it’s just me - but if somebody’s coughs or sneezes don’t bother you, please let me know in the dm’s…)

And eight ways to succeed

Hey, I don’t want to leave you hanging on those things, so here’s how you can get started fixing them.

  1. Re-listen to your episodes - After you think you’re done editing, and think you’re ready to hit publish, just give it one more listen ;-)

  2. Edit each episode - Get rid of coughs, sneezes, “ums”, “likes”, etc… Seriously, people don’t wanna listen to that stuff - do you?

  3. Make sure you talk about the topic. This is not the time to go chasing rabbits. And if you’re interviewing a guest, make sure you highlight them and what they have to say!

  4. Offer extreme value - After all, that’s what people are coming to you for, right?

  5. DO have a call-to-action at the end, but DON’T sell in the first few minutes.

  6. And speaking of which, use ONE call-to-action. Yes, that’s right, only ONE! Want them on your mailing list? Want to tell them about your course? Want them to send you a message or leave a comment? Pick one, ‘cause if people have too many options, guess what they do → NOTHING!

  7. A good guideline for the length of solo shows is about 15 minutes, and about 30 minutes when you have guests. Much longer than 40 minutes and “scrolling syndrome” kicks in, know what I mean?

  8. Poll your listeners - Are you airing what they want to listen to? This gives them a reason to come back to you each week - and tell their friends about you ;-)

How did you do? Are you passing or “failing” as a podcaster?

Even if you think you’re “failing”, I have good news. Everything you’re doing wrong, every item in that list above, is something you can fix! 

And if you need help doing so, check out my “Podcasting Runway” www.wrenrobbins.com/podcastrunway program that provides you with one-on-one custom coaching with me.  We’ll craft a custom content plan and strategy so that you “pass” every time! 

Book a free Discovery Call on my website to see if my program is right for you

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