Wren Robbins Coaching

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ep. 104: Unlocking Your Potential with a Podcast: 4 Results for your Business

What if you could speak confidently, essentially inform, genuinely nurture, and enlarge your influence as a business owner? You would want to know more about that, right?

Then, today’s episode is JUST FOR YOU!!

I want to share with you FOUR Results Your Podcast Will Bring

1 - Employ (make use of) BELIEF/Confidence

You have to believe that God has called you to your business to serve others., be open-handed to what God wants you to do, and trust in His plan. When you believe in what you offer your confidence exudes out of you and there’s NO STOPPING YOU. Belief will come out in your podcast by your faith in what you offer and the RESULTS it brings!! The last part of belief is your belief in others: confidence and influence and “catchability”. I’m reading in the Guide Culture handbook that when you sell, you believe in yourself, in what you offer, and belief in what’s possible for others!!

Mindset is important. I recently read a great article about the 7 things successful entrepreneurs believe from Entrepreneur magazine

One of them stuck out to me. ----It doesn’t have to be perfect.

“If you wait until everything is perfect before you launch a product or move forward with a decision, you'll never cross that threshold.”

2. Essentially Inform your listeners

When you are informing your listeners you are communicating knowledge and expertise which will build your credibility.

If you feel like you can’t say what you need to communicate in a 60-90 second video…or that you can’t be thorough in that time, a podcast may be for you! Your podcast is a way to inform your leads which will turn into prospects… Your idiosyncrasies and the way you serve create credibility for you.

3. Genuinely Nurture (care for and encourage the growth or development of):

Tell stories, be happy, give value, be real

I read recently that building and nurturing customer relationships is key to the success of any business with podcasting

4. Enlarge your Influence:

When you have a podcast that you speak on regularly your brand is more visible reaching more audiences.


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