Wren Robbins Coaching

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ep. 107: From Embers to Flame

it’s starting to get to be coolish here in Tennessee. I say coolish because it’s super cool in the mornings but hot in the afternoon. And it got me thinking about bonfires.

Have you ever been to a bonfire? there are 3 requirements to build a fire.. fuel, oxygen, and heat. The fuel is twigs, paper, and branches. The oxygen is the air God gives us outside, and the heat is from a match or lighter. You need all three to have a healthy fire. And, I started thinking about the difference between a spark and an ember: and it’s huge!

Did you know that a single ember, can't generate much heat? But, once you have even just a small pile of embers, they can produce the radiative heat necessary to ignite many materials, including wood. Embers are hearty, too!

They are light enough to be blown through the air and can result in the rapid spread of wildfire by spotting (in which embers are blown ahead of the main fire, starting other fires).

Embers can also radiate a large amount of heat long after the fire has been extinguished**, they can easily become airborne**. During a large fire, with the right conditions, embers can be blown far ahead of the fire front, starting spot fires several kilometers/miles away.

The benefits of participating in a group program

  1. “The levels of accountability can be much higher within a group than with individual coaching.” www.trainingtilt.com

  2. A group sparks creativity and more communication: - In a group program, information will be shared and circulated. High-ranking members of the community will appear and will begin to naturally enhance the development of other members of the group.

  3. Groups are relationship building: You may have heard the quote that it’s not personal, it’s business. in 2023 it is personal.

Synergistic effect of a group

Synergy is the “interaction between two or more "things" when the combined effect is greater than if you added the "things" on their own”

  • A group can be your sounding board and support network

  • A group is More FUN! Think if you went to a restaurant by yourself and then went with a couple of friends. Did you enjoy batting ideas off of each other, giving and getting feedback, etc?

A few facts about embers that I cannot get outta my head. One ember can’t produce much heat but when you get a group of them…even a small group…they contract radiative heat that others can feel. A person near a raging bonfire will feel the radiated heat of the fire, even if the air around them is very cold.

and, embers are ignited when they are in a group

Let’s compare how an ember-producing fire can affect you when you are in a group program.


  • are ignitable,

  • feel the heat around you.

  • stay warm even after the fire is extinguished,

  • and you can be like embers blowing far away, starting spot fires (affecting others) who can be miles away!

To be a collaborator or work together in a group, you must be….

  1. coachable---teachable…“Aren’t we always needing to be that way as believers?”

  2. responsible - go all in and finish what you start

  3. supportive of others- embers can take flight

  4. have a single-minded focus- Kingdom impact in abundance! Sponge, squeezed out for the Glory of God!

  5. friendly - “A man who has friends must himself be friendly…” Recently I messaged 2 friends on Facebook and asked to meet them at dinner and we loved it.

To be in my Flight Group. the first step is “being qualified” through a DM or a Zoom call. Once qualified, it all comes down to your “being ALL IN”

When you follow the Flight podcast plan you will

  1. qualify through a DM or Zoom call

  2. go “all IN” with the prework.

  3. be ready to have your embers from the group jump ahead and create a spot fire…. so that the leads or prospects in your business will be fired up… pun intended.

Okay? Who's ready?

Just a few spots for January’s class. starts on January 10th. When the spots go, they are gone until the next cohort.

If you follow my Flight Podcast Plan, you will launch your podcast in the 10-week program so that you can accomplish your goal of a podcast in Q1 of 2024. And the real value is that you are confident in enjoying your time over the holidays with your family and friends AND you can reach your business goal in Q1.

Email me at wren@wrenrobbins.com and I’ll send you info!

Remember I'm here for you cause life’s too short to just wing it.

See this content in the original post

Want to know more? - DM me on Instagram or FB or book a call!