Wren Robbins Coaching

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ep. 39: How to Avoid Podcast Burnout

I didn’t post an episode on July 4th. And I didn’t tell my listeners the week before. GASP! 

But here’s the thing. We are real life business owners who can miss a week of your podcast. Without the world coming to an end. 


What makes me unique is that I’m not only going to coach you in ‘best practices’ as a podcaster, I’m about real life sustainability. I want you to succeed as a business owner with a podcast. 


When I hosted my interview podcast the Friends of a Feather I would take breaks. My listeners knew that every December I didn’t post any new episodes. That was when I took a break. I also took some August’s off as well. 

Taking a break helps you to put aside your work and let your mind rest. Almost always when I take a break whether it’s one podcast episode or a month of them, my creativity is given space to breathe. And after i come up for air my creativity ramps up in the biggest and best way possible.

Case in point: tonight after my son went to bed I write two MEATY podcast episodes. And a couple of fresh social media ideas to go with them! All because I had decided to take a breather. 

Giving space to my mind really does help! Succeeding as a podcaster is taking breaks when it makes most sense for you, BEFORE YOU BURN OUT. 

Doing too much of one single thing without any breaks is not what consistency in your business means. 


Here’s how:

  1. Give yourself permission to take a break and be okay with it.

  2. Pray and ask God to give you creativity and clarity about what you should share when you come back from the break.

  3. DO IT. Take a break from your podcast without any guilt!

  4. Check out my friend Alicia’s podcast the Well Rested Entrepreneur. She has helped me in the area of rest more than any one else. It is definitely one to follow. By the way, If you don’t see her around Instagram this summer it’s because she’s resting! Her work her business work on the farm. Go listen 

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