Wren Robbins Coaching

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ep. 40: What Is a Podcast Capsule & Do I Need One?


When I was first married when my mom was trying to give me some help...In the form of a cookbook. It was called, "Fix it and Forget It!" and was packed with all kinds of crock pot recipes (there was no air fryer in the 2003's LOL) She knew as a newly married teacher I wasn't going to have the energy nor tons of time to cook elaborate meals...well hang on a second..who am I kidding...I don't like to cook at all. In reality, mom was giving me a plan for the simplest dinners I could make in the form of a cook book.

I think the cookbook editors titled the phrase Fix It and Forget it from the the 1990's inventor Ron Popeil: coined the phrase "Set it and forget it" on infomercials.

Have you ever heard of the phrase, "But wait...there's more!" I knew someone had come up with the phrase But, wait there's more on informercials but I had no idea he was the one and HE is the same one who came up with the phrase set it and forget it during his cooker presentations. He would finish his demonstration by pulling some cooked meat or salmon out and loudly saying, "just set it...." and the audience would loudly proclaim..."and forget it!" I think this was back when there was a live audience for infomercials!

When I think of the phrase that Mr. Popeil came up with there is another meaning behind it.

A Podcast Capsule can be a type of podcast you can have!

One of the most common objections people have toward starting up their podcast in general is they don't have the time or the bandwidth for it.

A few weeks ago I published an episode: How to Start a Podcast with Part Time Hours. I mention one way to do this is to have a set it and forget it podcast!

Let's take a deep dive into what a Set it and forget it/ A "one and done" podcast capsule is!


It's a one time podcast set up as your marketing funnel with a small number of episodes.

Why is it beneficial?

It gives you the amazing benefits of a podcast, but not a weekly or monthly episode.

Things to think about: (pro's)

1. Having 6-12 episodes (you could do 4 or even up to 20, but I encourage you to not do more than that)

2. You do not have to be consistent in your posting.

3. time constraints weekly

4. If you have little ones at home but want to have a podcast now without the time commitment its a win-win.

Things to Consider: (con's)

1. if you are highly creative, you may have a podcast episode idea that comes up that you will want to air and you may feel your creativity is squelched.

2. Takes lots of time on the front end

3. If you have a lot of content you want to share, you will want to highlight your seasonal and changing products and services, so consider that.

I'm going to be gut level honest with you right now.

When people tell Jennifer Allwood they can't afford the $47/month for her Inner Circle, I remember her saying, "you can't afford NOT to"

Don't let any more days go by without you speaking into your ideal clients ears. They want you to help solve their problem. They need you to solve it! They need to know how you can solve it. They need you!!!

But, they can't find you if you aren't visible!

If you are wanting to jump in, or maybe you have some specific questions about it, book a call with me and let's chat! I'm ready to have DRIVEN CHRIST-HONORING WOMEN to come with me on this podcasting journey. Let's do it!



Start a Podcast in Part Time Hours

Twenty Advantage of Starting Your Podcast

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