ep. 43: Top 5 Business Tools I use Every Week! (Part 2)
Go check out Part One (episode 42)
to hear my Top 5: www.wrenrobbins.com/dontwingit/42
Today I’m breaking down the last five Business Tools I Use Every Week!!
6) A Business Coach:
I paid for Jennifer Allwood's Inner Circle before I EVER was making money!!! The investment is worth it. If your coach isn't making you any money, find a different coach! You should be making your investment back tenfold!!!
You need to find a business coach that suites your style of learning and is there to guide you in what is next. The coaches I have had have been imperative in my growth as a business owner!!!!!
You know you will be in the middle of the grocery pickup line or in the shower when you have the most amazing idea that strikes you, right???
You have to have a place to jot that idea down or say it out loud so that you don't forget it! I can't tell you how many ideas I lost because I didn't immediately speak it out loud or write it down! Don't let this be you!!
If you like saying your ideas out loud, you can use Voxer and message yourself to play back later!
And, if you are in the shower, where ALL great ideas are born, LOL, grab some aqua notes...best $10 spent!
******AFFILIATE LINK***********Aqua Notes
You need a way to be a wanna be graphic designer! I started investing in the $12.99 and I've loved it. HIGHLY SUGGESTED.
Canva App
USED FOR: almost everyday
9) Sol Planner to map out my time blocks, etc
You have to plan and follow through with the plan.
Friends of a Feather Podcast Interview with Sol Planner creator, Sarah Light
The best planner is the one you will use!
10) ATTITUDE: A Don't Quit It Attitude
"The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes." Charles Swindoll