Wren Robbins Coaching

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ep 74 - Podcast Non-Negoticables - Part 2

Prioritizing quality in your podcast is a must-do!!

Here are just a few reasons why quality is a non-negotiable for your podcast:

1 - First Impressions Matter

When someone comes across your podcast for the first time, they're going to make a snap judgment based on what they see and hear. If your podcast sounds like it was recorded on a cell phone in a noisy room, they're likely going to move on to something else. Your audio matters! On the other hand, if your podcast has good audio, you're much more likely to capture their attention and keep them listening.

2. It Keeps Listeners Coming Back for More

A huge part of the success of your podcast will come down to whether or not people enjoy listening to it. And if your podcast is hard to listen to because of poor quality, people are going to tune out and never come back. But if your podcast is engaging, entertaining, and high-quality, people will keep coming back for more and may even recommend it to others.

3. It Shows That You Care

Finally, prioritizing quality shows that you care about your listeners and your content. It demonstrates that you're willing to put in the time and effort to create something that people will enjoy and benefit from. And in a world where there's so much noise and distraction, caring about your audience and your content is a powerful way to stand out.

Quality is a non-negotiable for your podcast if you want to stand out from the crowd, establish yourself as an authority, and keep listeners coming back for more. It takes time, effort, and investment, but it’s worth it. So if you're serious about podcasting, make sure that quality is at the top of your priority list.

Grab your Podcast Checklist!

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