ep 80 - How to Have Time to Start Your Podcast
Time - the one thing we can't create.
Or can we?
In my experience, one of the biggest reasons entrepreneurs have given me for NOT starting a podcast is - you got it - they don't have time! And in today’s episode, we’re gonna crush that excuse together!
Tips for creating time:
1 - Time blocks - take your calendar and write down what you're planning to accomplish in a 20-30 minute time period. It's a great way to stay focused. You do whatever you can in that period, take a break, then back to another session.
2 - Batch record - create 2 or 3 episodes and record them back-to-back.
3 - Set aside planning time - actual, dedicated planning time. Write everything down and commit the activities to a time period. (I use the Sol Planner, use my affiliate link here.)
4 - Outsource tasks - We all only have time or money! There are certain seasons when we have more time than money, and this strategy may be the perfect answer. Writing show notes, editing, uploading your show (I use, love, and recommend Libsyn as my podcast host.), and promotion, etc.
5 - Get creative - Are you always out and about? Try mobile recording (aka, recording in the wild)! (See recommended resources, below.) Please note: this is only for the experienced speaker. If you know you tend to ramble and don't stick to the point, this isn't necessarily a good idea for you unless you have notes! This is also a great time to consider repurposing (see recommended resources below for the link to that episode.)
"Sometimes when I say I don't have time for something...I'm really saying I just don't want to do something hard..." ~ Wren Robbins
Practical Strategies - How to Use Those Tips!
1 - Mindset matters - consider Parkinson's Law: "work expands as to fill the time available for its completion". Scheduling is so important, and this Law
2 - Do a "schedule dump" - not a brain dump, but rather a list of #allthethings that you have on this week's calendar. Once you have the list written out, consider the ROI of each activity, then think about your work-life balance, and, finally, if you truly need to just STOP doing some things!
3 - "What is my purpose?" - You need to know what your purpose is - whether it's for the day, or week, or quarter - to be able to assess if your activities align with it. This alone can be a game-changer!
Final word: if you are truly too busy to try any of these tips or strategies, then, friend, you are TOO BUSY, and you need to cut some things out... Don't be a woman who wastes time!
Really, we make time for what we want to make time for. And if you're listening to this episode and you really do want to get started, don't make any more excuses! Book a call with me and let's talk... I promise to be honest with you and help you sort through all the weeds and see if I can help you get started. You truly may not be ready.
But what if you are?!?
Looking forward to talking soon with you, friend - 'cause life is waaaay too short to just wing it!
Was this helpful? Screenshot the episode and tag me on social media!
Ep 78 - Why You Can’t Do It All Alone: The Value of Delegating
Sol Planner (affiliate link) https://solplanners.com/?aff=34
Libsyn (affiliate link) https://signup.libsyn.com/?promo_code=ROBBINS
Zoom recorder: https://amzn.to/3HdR1GK
Lapel mics: https://amzn.to/3LrrVXE
Instagram: www.instagram.com/wrenrobbinscoach
FB: www.facebook.com/wrenrobbinspodcastcoaching
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/wrenrobbinspodcastcoaching
Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/wrenrobbinspodcastcoach
YouTube: www.youtube.com/wrenrobbinspodcastcoaching8605