Wren Robbins Coaching

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ep. 115: Equipping You to Thrive at Home: Polly Conner & Rachel Tiemeyer


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Hi friend! Erika Opperman and I chatted on last weeks episode and I loved it so much bc it was so rich with scripture and Godly encouragement! If you haven’t had a chance to listen to it, check it out. It was episode 114.

Today’s episode is with my guests Polly Conner & Rachel Tiemeyer. They are the gals from the Thriving Home blog! If you have seen my Instagram Stories lately you have seen what I’ve been making for dinner and it’s been some recipes from their blog! Let’ me just say I tried three of their recipes and they are now in my monthly rotation that’s for sure!

On today’s episode you will hear a part of Polly and Rachel’s story. Their journeys of creating and sharing recipes began with two very different stories of their view about food. Rachel’s oldest child was 18 months old when they had to adjust their family eating habits because they found out he had Crohn’s disease and wanted healthy options for him. Polly walked through a weight loss journey that led her to whole food eating. They have perfected fixing food for their families using whole food ingredients and no or fewer processed ingredients while being versatile for busy women! And all the mommas said AMEN!

On this episode, we also talk about the unique ways they met their husbands and how they both started in full time Christian ministry. I really enjoyed how they shared about the purpose in the mundane and they offer ways we can go from just surviving to thriving in our homes. Rachel mentions the verse “ Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Gal. 6:9 when we aren’t seeing the end result in our children, but it is creating a story.

They walk through me some diagnostic questions to determine if I need an Instant Pot or not! PS. I say Insta pot like it’s Instagram or something. It’s Instant Pot. Oh, me. But, it’s a fun episode! When we were talking about how the girls viewed food, I loved when Polly said, “I’m gonna talk to myself instead of listening to myself”. That goes back to what Erika and I were talking about last week with renewing our minds with what God says about us!

What Polly is Eating: Avocado Lime Salsa (Recipe on the landing page, below) & Dark chocolate Covered Pretzels

Reading: The Alice Network & Little Fires Everywhere

Loving: She Reads Truth studies

What Rachel is Eating: Apple Slices + PB sauce & Aldi Dark Chocolate Granola

Reading: Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors & The Apprentice by Jaques Pepin

Loving: Lord of the Rings on Audio

Polly and Rachel are providing you, my podcast listeners a landing page with links to freebies and recipes! I looked at it and it is chocked full of goodies for you! Click to get the Thriving Home Friends of a Feather listener page here.

Do you have “Fear of Missing Out?” I totally do! Not a problem! The best way to not miss out is to get on my email list. By doing this, you can get all of the Show notes emailed to you each Wed. morning and keep up with a list of future guests coming on the podcast (nobody else gets that!) And, when you sign up, you can get my free download, Ways to be a good friend. Sign up for the email list, here. If you want to go and head on over to the Show Notes and the link to Polly and Rachel’s landing page with ALL those freebies, go to www.wrenrobbins.com/podcast/115

One more thing! If you are listening on your podcast app and you were encouraged by todays episode, click the three small dots and send it to a friend! I know when I get podcasts from friends, I love it because I know they were thinking about me. It’s sweet.

Thanks for joining me today! I post several times a week on Instagram and FB and would love to connect with you. Remember we are all friends of a Feather, so let’s stick together!

