Wren Robbins Coaching

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ep. 131: Richella Parham: Mythical Me

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Quotes from the episode:

“He uses people in our lives and if they are people we can trust, then God can break down our defenses enough to hear those words that are spoken in love.”

“Because something was good about you, I would use that to assume there was something bad about me.”

“You’ve created for yourself a mythical composite woman…but she doesn’t exist.”

“Spade work-there is some that needs to be done before you can start taking steps in a constructive way.”

“If you haven’t gotten your ideas about God sorted out first, spiritual disciplines can just take you further into the hole instead of bringing you closer to God.”

“For me that spade work was starting to understand some truth about God, some truth about myself, and some truth about other people.”

“Constant comparison is a habit that is born out of insecurity but when used it leads to greater insecurity.”

“A habit cannot just be broken, a habit though can be changed.”

“But if we accept the God in himself is relationship and He has made us in His image, then we can understand that we were created for relationship.”

“We were created for relationship, because we were created by a relationship.”

“We are able to complement others instead of comparing ourselves.”

“…to recognize that we were created to be connected with one another, that none of us was created to stand alone.”

“What a relief to know that you are good at it and I don’t necessarily have to be. How wonderful!”

“You don’t change a habit by beating yourself up about it.”

“…that is language giving voice to self hatred… that is the work of the enemy of our souls.”

“Learning to rest is an act of trust.”

“I don’t have to envy your gifts, I can delight in mine.”


What Richella is Eating:  Home made Granola Recipe here

What Richella is Reading: Beyond Awkward Side Hugs by Bronwyn Lea

What Richella is Loving: Crocheting

Find Richella on her web site  and on Instagram

And her book called, Mythical Me

Richella’s Prayer guide (It's called Journeying Together: A Prayer Companion to Mythical Me): https://www.richellajparham.com/book/

Other books she recommends:

Seated with Christ

Compared to Who?

The Burden of Better


I would love to connect with you on social media! Instagram or Facebook

Okay that’s gonna do it today! 

Remember, we are all friends of a feather so let’s stick together! 

Have a great week and I’ll see you next time! Love you, friend!  
