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A "Handful of Quiet"-Sitting Still- A Cottage Restoration-God Woos us to Rest in Him with Vina Mogg

Vina Bermudez Mogg is rebuilding life with wood, paper and canvas in a century old cottage by the Puget Sound. She shares numerous stories about empty nesting, motherhood, Alzheimer's and caregiving, and how it all relates to restoring a 1926 abode.

Vina’s loves are her husband and four children, painting, and paddle boarding, and her cat, Bear.

Her heart includes a ministry started by her family members, the Kamay Project, which reaches out to the Ati People, an indigenous tribe of the Philippines that live on the island of Boracay.


In the process of restoring this little cottage, we realized it was literally built on the sand. We had to lift it up to restore the foundation. God was doing the same in my life.

I was literally in awe of God.

He gives us glimpses of His Glory.

Those are glimpses of His Glory to restore our hearts.

Even though there was pain, God was restoring all those years.

This gift of restoring was that in itself.

After a time of brokenness, God filled it with Himself.

It is even more important to find that handful of quiet in the Lord.

You feel those people tugging your hem, but you have to find that solitary place where you have to withdraw.

example: Susanna Wesley-10 children, Pulled her apron over her head.

We think our “quiet” is just for us, but it’s an example to our children that when life hits them, they will take the time to have a handful of quiet.

How do I adjust my life in this stage?

Example of a dutch door…You let in light who is Jesus, and you also guard what comes in and out.

Our lives have to be set in Christ, the Cornerstone.

I have to be rested and have my restoration in Him, first.

He has places in each of our story, that he longs to restore and that’s when the rest comes.

How can we find handful times of quiet?

-Light a candle (a physical reminder that God is our light.)

-writing one scripture out by hand slowly (abiding-slowing down)

Our culture doesn’t like to slow down.

Jesus withdrew for His handful in quiet.

God is leading us to be still before Him. To gaze at Him.

restore means to bring back to the original condition

I believe He is calling us and wooing to us to that place of rest.

In that pace, we forget our original condition is to be face to face with Him and resting in Him.

He himself wants to be face to face with us. And when we are reflecting his image and restored by him we naturally will bring others along with us.

Let’s be restorers, but first you have to be restored by Him.

What story in your own life is God using to reflect His restoration and His redemption?

Scripture mentioned:

Ephesians 3:20

Psalm 127


Isaiah 30:15 -“a handful in quiet”- Hebrew word (Blue Letter Bible*)

Isaiah 28

Mark “a solitary place”

Epsheians 2:14


EAT: warm homemade chocolate chip cookies*

READ: Art + Faith*

LOVE: Walks every evening with her husband

Connect with Vina:

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