Wren Robbins Coaching

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ep. 182: How To Be Productive while Integrating Rest with Alicia Byers: Summer Podcast How To Series

Alicia Byers is an expert in efficiency, systems and structure. A goal junkie by heart, she's for the person with the big dreams. She teaches people how to leverage their strengths to maximize their time, talent and money. 

Alicia shares specific things we as moms can do to get things done this Summer but integrate rest as a part of our daily routine.  

Mom’s listen up!

”When you are outside working with your hands, you can’t hold your phone.”

In Alicia’s flesh MOVE AS FAST AS YOU CAN was her mantra.

People around her called her out the thought of working from our rest is what matters.

People the Word and her Support System and using self control really helped her

We don’t have to finish the race

Hustle harder.

Don’t get there with no one left there.

Now I view the method to how I get to success to get to the outcome.


  1. Multitasking- (mentally)

Be where your feet are.

Practice presence.

Living with your tank on E doesn’t make room for the Fruits of the Spirit to shine.


2. Distracted Living

3. Difference between control and influence.

Creating Must Do’s instead of Want To’s

80 % of our life come from what we do with 20% of our life.

*********How do we prioritize?

Knowing what we can control and what we can’t.

Start with the ones that are aligned with those top priorities

Glass balls are priorities. Everything else is ping pong balls.

Glass balls are what we want to protect because if they get dropped, somebody gets hurt.

Did I keep the things sacred that I want to keep sacred or did I put something that is a wish, that is insignificant to eternity as a priority today?

Keep the sacred things, sacred.

Do a two step process with your phone.

Be mindful with our screens.

Half your list.

Incorporate friends.

Look what it’s costing you that you are not showing up in that area as much as you need to or want to.

How can you incorporate something fun into the work?

Tie the playful things with the ‘adulting’ things that need to get done.

Lean into your skillset.

Reward yourself. Work first, play later.

Do what God has called you to do and integrate fun into that.

Marry the to do list with those glass balls.

How can doing dishes help nurture that relationship with your family?


Start looking at your list with how can I do my part in maximizing this task with these relationships.

Are you like this…Move as fast as you can? Then, listen to this episode and share with a friend who may be the same!


Alicia and I *may* have to go LIVE on Instagram to hear her Eat Read Love!! (I’ll send an email to share what time/day we will do it!)


Free Time blocking mini course

Time management/blocking will work for you; Themed mornings/afternoons


Web site



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