What's Holding You Back (from starting a podcast?)

There are six common reasons excuses that entrepreneurs and small business owners about starting a podcast. Perhaps you'll recognize one or two (wink-wink). In today’s episode, let’s bash them to the curb once and for all, k?

Common podcasting objections

1 - I don’t have time

Well, sorry to step on your toes here, but… If you have time to binge on Netflix, you have time to start a podcast! If you have time to watch get lost watching Reels on Instagram (you know, the cute dog and little kid ones…), you have time to start a podcast. Yeah, I’m so sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s true! Remember, God has created you with talents (link to episode 14) and it may just be that podcasting will be the way to share them! 

2 - Who’s gonna listen?

You’ve heard this before but it bears repeating: nobody can deliver your message the way YOU can! There may be other bloggers that encourage women in their faith, for example. But nobody can encourage women in their faith like YOU. No one can write the books or the courses just. like. YOU! (As long as you’re adding value to the topic!)

3 - I don’t know how to do it

I’ve heard this over and over again from people before they go through my training (link to sales page). At some point during the course they realize “Oh, hey, I can do that!” It really helps to have someone go over things step by step when you’re starting out.

4 - I’m afraid of the commitment - what if I can’t follow through?

That is a thing, really. It’s called “podfade,” and it’s very common. It usually happens after about 7 episodes when people just stop posting. But if you have a plan set up, you won’t fear commitment because you won’t have enough weeks in the year to say what you wanna say!

5 - What are people gonna think about me?

Also phrased as “Who does she think she is…?” But, as Jasmine Starr says, “People are gonna think what they’re gonna think,” whether or not you do something… So might as well DO something anyway, right?

6 - I just want to set it and forget it

I get that. Sometimes people don’t have time to upload each week, and that’s a valid consideration. But I can show you ways to “set it and forget it”!

Now let’s play “What if…?”

  • What if you knew people would listen and would find your courses or your products or your services?

  • What if you had someone walk you through the steps?

  • What if you stepped out of who you were in 2021 and stepped into who God wanted you to be or to do in 2022?

  • What if I told you you could set up your podcast as a set-it-and-forget-it marketing tool?

Your next steps

What is holding you back from getting your message into the ears of future clients? But even more so: what is it costing you?
  1. Read these next 2 questions, grab a piece of paper, and write down your answers:

    —What is holding you back from getting your message into the ears of future clients?  What is holding you back from casting a wider net than social media can give you? What is holding you back from linking arms with those women whom you can serve and moving ahead?

    —What is it costing you to NOT “go there?” Is it causing you to sit back and stay stuck on “dud” center? Is it costing you to play it small and safe? 

  2. Then, go ahead and grab “Your first six steps” download. You’ll get a list of your first steps to getting started with a podcast, and then receive my newsletter where I give you encouragement and valuable tips each week to help you do whatever God’s called you to do! You can get it at WrenRobbins.com/sixfirststeps

And remember, friend: life’s too short to wing it!