I’m always the one who wants the good friend. In scripture it says in order to have a good friend, you must be friendly. Here are some simple yet profound ways to be a good friend.
1) Listen when your friend is talking. Don’t think about what you are going to say next. Be in the moment.
2) Compliment your friend in front of someone else. We hear about the devastation of gossip, let’s turn it on its head and say something nice instead.
3) Pray for your friend. I have never seen a friendship go as deep as when you pray for them.
4) Make spending time with her a priority. You could have the best of intentions, but actions do speak louder than words. Make it happen.
5) Use FUN apps like Voxer & Marco Polo to chat with each other throughout the day. My friend Holly says that these apps are like a microwave for friendships. I agree!
To hear more about fun friendship ideas check out my Top 10 with Wren podcast episode #71 with my friend, Holly FUN gift ideas for the friend in your life…no need to wait til Valentines Day!