Ok. I’m about to say something pretty direct. I prayed about it and feel like I need to share it. I don’t usually communicate this way, but it’s been on my heart so here goes...⠀
Stop saying that God is faithful when you get what you want. ⠀
I regularly hear people say that God is faithful when he answers their prayers. That God is good when they have a great delivery of a child being born. That God is faithful when they get married. That God is so good to them when they have a wonderful family. ⠀
But, ya’ll. What about an answer to prayer that’s a no? What about the friend who lost her baby at 7 weeks when she barely even had time to rejoice in her new pregnancy? What about the single friend who desperately wants to be married but isn’t? What about the woman who finds herself in a marriage that is over?
Is God not good in those moments? No. He is ALWAYS faithful. He is ALWAYS good. It is His character to be faithful and good. Even when it’s incredibly hard and we can’t understand.
And, listen I’ve been guilty of saying this in the past. I remember quoting a verse about God being faithful when we conceived. That God is faithful because we had our hearts desire. But, what about after that when we yearned for a second child? Is He not faithful now because we didn’t get what we prayed and sought after for? No, friends. He is faithful even in the answers to prayers that are no’s. ⠀
A few years back, I remember hearing a guest on a podcast talk about something and it rocked my theology in the best way. She talked about how God is GRACIOUS when He gives us our hearts desire. That God is gracious when He answers our prayers with a yes. ⠀
Instead of saying that God is faithful in those times of joy and fulfilled desires (He is faithful in it all), let’s praise Him for being gracious in giving those gifts to us. It is grace alone.
He gives us gracious gifts that we do not deserve. He is faithful no matter what. He is good no matter what. Thanks be to God! ⠀