Transforming Your Side of the Guest Interview

With enough repetition, falling into a neurological rut will be automatic.” 

~ Craig Groeschel, Winning the War in Your Mind

This line comes from a great book I’m reading right now. Of course, Pastor Groeschel is talking about the negative self-talk and messages that we run through our minds - not the “same ol’, same ol’” responses we may be using during our podcast interviews!

But 2 Corinthians 10:5 gives us a similar message:

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (emphasis mine)

What both these references have in common is this: We need to be mindful about what we say. And as Christians who podcast, that includes what we say and how we respond to our guests. Because getting into a rut of using the “same ‘ole” one or two words or phrases is not only boring but can start to sound a little phony. Ouch! (Sorry, but it’s true!)

Now, I don’t want you to appear disingenuous - and I know you don’t either! So take note, and feel free to borrow one of these 7 alternate responses to “Wow, I really like that!” or “That’s so good!” (And extra points if you have any other ones!)

No more ruts for us! Filler and crutch words be gone!

Transforming your side of the guest interview

As a baseline, we have to be mindful of two things: first, that we are using a “crutch word” (or phrase) and next, when it happens. Once we are aware of that, try one or two of these replies on for size:

  1. Woo - that’ll preach right there!” Of course, that will almost always bring a little giggle, but it will also encourage them to explain further.

  2. “That phrase is one of the reasons I asked you to come on this show…” and perhaps elaborate a little on how or why.

  3. “That’s interesting that you said that, because…” and then make a connection to your own experience.

  4. “Hmm…I think that is going to resonate with my audience, and here’s why…”

  5. “That’s a powerful statement. Did you always feel that way?” That invites them to elaborate or fill in with a back story or explain a transformation.

  6. “You are exactly right. I have seen that in my own life, as well.” (Assuming that’s true, of course!)

  7. “OK, that is something we all need to write down and tell ourselves every day!”

  8. (Bonus!) Just sit back and let a really powerful or interesting statement “sit there” for a moment. By doing this you allow your listeners to digest it, and you also allow a moment for your guest to explain further if necessary. Use silence to your advantage!

Do any of these sound authentic to you? Try one or two during your next (or first!) podcast interview and see how it goes.

The art of the interview

An intelligent response to your guest can encourage further and deeper conversation. Your listeners will appreciate it when you realize the importance of interview skills and develop them. And your guests will better enjoy the experience as well.

To further develop your own skills, try listening to any of these podcast hosts. I really think they have honed interview conversation to an art. (Spoiler alert: these are all episodes where I’ve been the guest!)

Melinda Patrick - Even While podcast

Monique Scripp - Fierce Identity podcast

Shelley Tyson - Cultivate Legacy podcast

Want my help in starting a podcast?  Call me - I want to help you get started! Schedule a free 20-minute call at further into whatever you need to move forward.

I also offer podcast audits, podcast strategy calls, and a podcast audit package, all to help get your podcast launched with an effective strategy. 

Shoot me a dm on Instagram @wrenrobbinscoach or email me at and let me know what I can do for YOU!

Remember, I’m here to help you, ‘cause life’s too short to wing it!
Listen to this entire episode below.