Your podcast needs a LOOOONNNGGGG runway.
My husband is in Corporate Aviation and there are quite a few steps before he takes off in the airplane. And, I started thinking about how similar his process is to launching your podcast. Listen all about it in today’s episode!
His steps start when a trip is put on the schedule and pilot reads his schedule detailing everything. Then, the day before they go into the office and file the flight plan. The next morning they arrive 2 hours before the flight time in full uniform. They again look at the flight plan and make sure they input their destination on the computer in the jet.
They make sure the airplane is pre-flighted which includes doing a whole walk around, oil and gas check (maintenance does this), the airplane inside is fully stocked, and the pre-flight checklist is completed. They start the engines, and they board and greet the passengers. The final checklist is completed before takeoff, they talk to the tower, taxi out onto the runway, announce to the passengers, taxi to the end of the runway, do one more check, talk to the tower spool up the engines to the highest, and then the airplane starts to travel down the runway.
And, when they hit the end of the runway, they liftoff, and whew! here we go! They continue with the inflight checklist and put the landing gear up.
What I need you to know is it is a long process. And the pilots use that long runway or they cannot get the momentum to get the airplane up! They have to do it properly or they WILL NOT GET THE JET UP IN THE AIR.
There are 4 mistakes I see people making every week with their podcast launches and it makes me sad.
They don’t allow enough time
They don’t look at the timing
They don’t talk about it enough
They don’t use different creative ways to talk about it.
Let’s break this down!
1.. Don’t Allow Enough Time
Has this ever been you??? You get an idea and that’s it, you go with it----usually 9/10 the content is not a problem.
And listen, I have to appreciate your drive & passion, but jumping in before you have the plan is like jumping into a jet, starting in the middle of the runway and not have enough space to take off…it’s premature.
You want to create momentum in the excitement for your people!! And the long runway is how you do it! Don’t talk about your podcast one week and then launch the next. please
2. They don’t look at the timing.
Another mistake I see business owners making with their podcast launch, is they don't look at the timing. If you are going to launch your podcast on January 15, ideally you would need to start your launch plan dec 15….is that doable? Do you want to be promoting and talking about something new coming in January when the holidays are here and your kids fly in from out of town? I want you to think about that.
3. They don’t talk about it enough.
The third mistake I see business owners making with their podcast launch is they…don’t talk about it enough---I tell clients that when they are tired of talking about your podcast, talk about it some more. If you are not sick of hearing your voice about your podcast coming out, you haven’t talked about it enough.
4. They don’t use creative ways to talk about it.
Another mistake I see business owners making with their podcast launch is they aren’t creative in sharing about it- business owners, you need to be diligent about sharing about what is coming up! God created us all creatively. You will need to spend some time thinking about what to do.
If you don’t have time to think about it or don’t know how to do any of these things, there is nothing more that I want your podcast to be a success!
Picture this, I can see you now, it’s the beginning of March of 2024 and you are opening up your computer with your coffee cup in hand and you smile from ear to ear when you start reading the emails that came in this morning after your podcast launched. Your listeners are saying things like, ‘Thank you for this!’ and “I didn’t know what you did until hearing episode 2!” You smile from ear to ear and cannot wait to reply. You get a lump in your throat and wish you had started it sooner. That's the picture you want to see, isn’t it?
If it is, reach out to me through email at: and tell me what you need help with!
I succeed when YOU succeed!!!