Wren Robbins Coaching

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ep 78 - Why You Can't Do It All Alone: The Importance of Delegation

As a business owner, asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and good business sense. Here are some innovative ways to ask for help as a business owner:

  1. Start with a clear request: When asking for help, it's important to be specific about what you need. Instead of saying "I need help with my business," try saying "I'm struggling with my marketing strategy and would love some guidance on how to improve it."

  2. Hire a coach or consultant: Sometimes the best way to get help is to hire a professional. Consider hiring a business coach or consultant to help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.

  3. Look at the ROI of what you are doing.  What is having the most impact?  If not, ask yourself “How can I focus those podcast episodes?  Data don’t lie!  You will clearly see what is making an impact on your business.

  4. Goals: What are your goals for this quarter? If it’s being more visible, then guesting on that summit is great. If it’s working on a new offer, then the summit may be a no, not right now.  I’ve had to do this. How can I say “not right now” instead of “no”?

  5. Time or money.  Those two resources are what you are going to spend when you own a business.  When you are first starting out, you put the time in.  Because there is no money!  But when you start to make a little money, you’re able to spend money on other things.  Do 1:1 coaching to get some income, and then hire some help!  In the beginning, I did all the work myself!  I invested loads of time, but when I started making money, I invested in a podcast manager.  She edits, she uploads, and she’s great.  Shout out to Pat Fenner!

When you don’t ask for help, you end up doing things that are absurd, LIKE TAKING AN HOUR AND A HALF TO CUT UP 45 APPLES??!!   You don’t work smarter, you work harder.  And, you will resent it and be READY to ask for help, Can I get an AMEN??

Why does this even matter?  Because friend I want your podcast launched!  I want YOU to get your God-given message out into the world STAT. The world needs you, needs what God has given you to say in order to help others!!  Don’t doubt what God has shown you.  But, GET the HELP that you need.  I have one spot for 1:1 coaching for Q2.  I pull back majorly in the Summer so I can be FULL-TIME mom, so I only have one spot.  This spot is waiting for you.  Email me at: wren@wrenrobbins.com and let’s book it!

Was this helpful?  Screenshot the episode and tag me on social media!

OH, and if you are ever going to do an apple bar, three tips…

  1. Buy cut-up apples in bags at Costco

  2. Display whole apples and layout 5 apple cutters for the teachers to do it fresh!

  3. GET HELP!

LISTEN IN TO THIS EPISODE to hear how you need to ask for help!

Grab your Podcast Checklist!


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