ep. 48 How to Have a Successful Podcast

Today I'm talking to you about 3 steps that you need for a successful podcast!
You need a:


- know the parts of a podcast

  1. Intro

  2. body

  3. outro


  1. hosting site

  2. website for show notes

  3. Garageband/Audacity

  4. equipment (less than 150$!

- launch 4 weeks out...long runway
- content: KNOW YOUR LISTENER when you create your content


- accountability is a MUST!
- You need to be accountable to someone. A coach is an excellent choice, LOL. not your husband or Aunt Sue.

Last, but certainly not least, you need


- streamline- Plan for streamlining your show. You cannot do it without this.
- repurpose- SO MANY WAYS to repurpose. Work smarter so you can work harder on OTHER things.

These three things represent my PAC proprietary framework!

And, you can have it - I'm booking 2 new clients this week to start the following week.
Will you be one of them?

October is a GREAT time to launch a podcast! I did it last year!!