ep. 162: Praying Scripture-Talking to God about our Children-Your Prayers Matter, Momma

Happy to have Jodie Berndt on the podcast today!

Jodie earned her B.A. in English from the University of Virginia, where she remains engaged with various boards, university organizations, and student ministries. It’s no surprise that Jodie is a big U.Va. fan; that’s where she met her husband, Robbie (they’ve been married nearly 35 years), and where they sent all four of their children to school.

Jodie’s heart is to equip people to pursue joy, celebrate grace, and live on purpose. With her trademark blend of biblical insight and real-life humor, Jodie speaks to church groups, family conferences, and at parenting events around the country. 


EAT: Going out to eat!

READ: Don’t Miss Out by Jennie Cunnion;

LOVE: Smocking for Noah, her baby granddaughter


Psalm 56:3 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”

John 15:7-8 “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory,that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

-Treasure Chest Verse Bank idea-Everytime your child memorizes a verse, write it out and put it in the treasure chest!

-”Turn an attitude from panic to peace.”

-”When we unite the two, Bible and prayer, there’s real power there.”

“Our prayers release God’s power to accomplish His purposes.”

“He commands us to pray, it’s not a suggestion and he does that because He wants relationship.”

“He wants us to partner with Him in accomplishing these great things in our families lives.”

“He wants us to be in relationship, in partnership with Him.”

“How precious that He does invite us to join Him in handing out good gifts to our kids.”

“When we talk to our kids about God and stop there, we are living as though it depends on us.”

“When we talk to God we are acknowledging our dependence on Him, we are acknowledging that He is the source of all those good things, and that gives Him glory.”

Moms Set Free “We are significant in our kids lives, but we are not sovereign.” Jennie Cunnion

Deuteronomy 6

“If all we are doing is talking to our kids, there’s not peace, but when we talk to our Heavenly Father knowing that He loves them more than we do, we can really exhale and trust Him with our children.”

“As young moms, we can easily give into anxiety or fatigue, but we have a powerful God who is accomplishing His purposes and that opens the door to freedom, security and peace.”

“You are not alone.”

“Ask God to give you the prayer partner.”

“We need our Aaron’s and Hur’s to come alongside us and lift us up, because sometimes we are so close to the situation and it’s hard to have faith that anything could change.”

“Make prayer doable.”

Psalm 115:14 “May the Lord cause you to flourish both you and your children.”

“The way to flourish, the way to live in communion with God is to let His words soak into your soul, let them animate your desires and give shape to your prayers.”

“Dig into scripture letting what we read there shape how we think and how we pray.”

“And, God delights to hears those prayers and answer.”

I loved when Jodie shared about Bible Gammy!

“We want to do everything we can for our kids…but the best thing we can do for them is to talk to the Lord about them.”

PS Jodie has AMAZZZZZZZING resources on her site that I use on a daily basis!

Coloring pages, prayer calendars, lunch notes…all free!

Jodie’s book:

Praying the Scriptures for your Children

Praying the Scripures for your Teen

Praying the Scriptures for your Adult Children

Praying the Scriptures for your Life

Find them on her web site above!


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If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory,that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
— John 15:7-8

Happy to have Jodie Berndt on the podcast today! Jodie earned her B.A. in English from the University of Virginia, where she remains engaged with various boards, university organizations, and student ministries. It's no surprise that Jodie is a big U.Va.