ep. 54 Podcast Pet Peeves

When I was in college, a class I was taking was trying to get to know everyone and asked to share our major pet peeves with the class. Mine was about turning on a green arrow or something in traffic:)

But, it was interesting to hear what pet peeves everyone had!

You probably have pet peeves about something! Pet peeves can be a little negative but they do help us bring clarity to situations. You don't have to know how I feel about podcasting because you can hear the pet peeves I have on today's episode! Oh, and ONE OF THE PET PEEVES HAPPENED WHILE RECORDING LIVE AND WE DID NOT EDIT IT OUT!!!

Also, on this episode I give you a G O L D nugget about the differences in Podcast Downloads and Podcast Listens when you look at your analytics. We are going to dive in a little deeper into that next week on Bonus Monday's episode 55, but I give you a cliff notes version on today's show.

So, let's get to it...today I'm sharing 7 of my pet peeves about podcasting in hopes to help your podcast be the best it can be in order to grow your business!

After listening to the episode what next?

  1. If you have a podcast: Do a self-audit. See if you are doing any of these pet peeves and correct them OR Grab a Podcast Audit from my Shop! https://wrenrobbins.com/shop/audit

  2. If you don't have a podcast: Let's chat on a free call to see your next step OR grab my free download Before You Start www.wrenrobbins.com/beforeyoustart

RELATED episodes:

  1. Episode 27: Elements of a Good Podcast https://wrenrobbins.com/dontwingit/27

  2. Episode 52: Don't Make These 8 Mistakes with Your Podcast Artwork