Do you know about the enneagram? It's a list of nine different types of personalities. It has really opened my eyes and helped me see the closest people around me in a new light. I loved it so much, on my first podcast, I had an expert share about the qualities of people with each enneagram number!
I'm an Enneagram Six and most six's struggle with asking the "what if's". What if this happens (insert your mental worst case scenario here )?
I was interviewed by Enneagram Coach, Kim Eddy about how Enneagram Sixes think and feel about life and I was honored to share!
I want to ask you if you ever struggle with the what if's? Maybe about your family, your kids, your spouse, your parents, your grandkids?
Let's go one step further...
Do you struggle with the what if's in your business?...Like what if I fail at this? What if people don't like my writing? What if they don't buy my products? What if no one listens to my podcast?
Let's flip the script, reframe and challenge ourselves to ask THIS what if question...
What if....I succeed?
What if...I gain brand awareness with my podcast?
What if...I secure more clients than I ever have?
What if...I double my income right now having my online dream job
What if...I jump in HEAD FIRST to what God has called me to do?
What if those things you only dream about actually happen????
Does starting a podcast ever jump in your mind?
Does starting a podcast overwhelm you or even cause you to think that you can't do it.
I want to assure you that YOU CAN DO IT and DO IT WELL! Yes you need strategy, yes you need a plan, yes you need to set podcasting goals, but you can do it!!!
One of the most rewarding parts of being a podcast strategy coach is that I get to assure them that they can start their podcast. That I can help them achieve their business goals whether it's to widen their net with their God given mission, to gain brand awareness, or to bring new warm leads into their business through a podcast.
Are you ready to reframe the what if's in your business?
Heres a way to start. Every time you hear those doubting, negative what if's ...(ps: you have to listen for them to do away with them) have to stop them and replace them with the right what if's.
Second thing to do is: If you are not sure about if now is the right time to start your podcast...grab my new download: Before You Start Your Podcast: 5 things that can help you decide if now is time for you to start your podcast!
If you know for sure 2023 the year for you to start your podcast! I'm already booking for my 6-week coaching 1:1 program for the next availability which will start the second week in January, so if you have a podcast start date of February, then this is the time to reserve your spot. 2 spots are claimed and 4 1:1 spots are all I will be opening at that time.
Next week we have an EXCITING guest on the show with me that has encouraged me to dream BIG in my vision planning with her! Sonita Reese has trained many corporate leaders in their missions, vision, and values of their companies. She is now bringing it to online business owners! You will glean SO MUCH from hearing from Sonita so be looking for that episode next Monday!
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