ep. 49 Captivate Your Listeners With a Story

In order for you to have podcast listeners keep coming back for more, you have to educate, inspire or inform them. But, before you even do that?

You need to connect with them. Be authentic with them. Let them be aware of your brand.

So, how do you do that?

You share a story. Stories from your daily life, your past, a funny story about your kid that happened this morning. (ask me how I know, ha)

Stories matter because they connect, allow authenticity, and upgrade your brand to those in your sphere.

82-year-old retired businesswoman, Torchy Swinson took Tik Tok by STORM in 2020. Her granddaughter showed her how to watch their videos and she started recording videos and sharing stories. Stories from her past, her daily life, and people FLOCKED to HER! She has half a million followers all because she took the time to share a story.

Share a story (hook) at the beginning of each podcast episode and it will MAKE your listeners into LOYAL FANS.

Will you try this on your next podcast? Tag me on Instagram @wrenrobbinscoach when you do!